Are Mercury Fillings Dangerous? Your Questions Answered

Thinking you might choose mercury fillings to fix any cavities you currently have? Since there a few options for filling cavities these days it really is necessary for you to understand these options so you can choose the one that works for you and your particular lifestyle. For example, if one of the criteria you have for choosing a dental filling to fix your cavity is that it be strong and last for many, many years, then a mercury filling option just may be the right choice for you.

Mercury filling questions answered

The following is a list of some of the more common mercury filling questions that people have. Mercury fillings are also known as amalgam fillings, silver fillings and metal fillings.

Question: Are mercury fillings dangerous?

Answer: They can be. Mercury in fillings is always slowly being released, there is potential for side effects 

Question: Are mercury fillings bad?

Answer: While some people may think that mercury fillings are bad, there are many more who do not think so because they have had them in their mouth for many years and have never experienced any health issues.

Question: What are signs of mercury poisoning?

Answer: The following are common signs of mercury poisoning – mood swings, insomnia, headaches, muscle twitching, tremors, weakness, nervousness and other emotional changes.

Question: How do you detox from mercury?

Answer: Eating a healthy diet helps remove mercury from the body, which includes doing things like avoiding sugar, milk, wheat and processed foods.

Question: Should I get my mercury fillings removed?

Answer: The only reason someone should get their mercury fillings removed is that they are no longer protecting the tooth, they are causing the patient to experience health issues, or they are wanting to improve their smile and want tooth colored fillings instead.

More questions?

If you still have any questions about mercury fillings, please do not hesitate to contact us as soon as you are able to so we can answer them for you. When you have all of the information you need about a particular dental procedure, then you are able to make a decision that is ideal for you. Every dental patient is different and that means every patient should understand all of the dental options available to them. If you have any questions for us that will help you make the ideal decision, know that we are here for you when you need us.

Are you considering mercury fillings in the Lake Forest area? Get more information on mercury fillings at

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