Enamel Erosion: What it is and How to Prevent it from Occurring

Ever wonder why the upper and lower sets of teeth can get sensitive? Although it’s not an often talked about subject, enamel erosion can be the cause for many problems that come around the oral area. Things such as sensitive teeth, gum problems, and tooth decay itself are all symptoms of enamel erosion, which can further lead to problems down the road. As such, it is important to be well informed on what enamel erosion is, as well as how to deal with it.

What is the enamel and why is it important?

To start, one must have a decent understanding of what the enamel is, and what it does for teeth. The enamel is the hard outer coating of a tooth. Think of it as a shell casing for each tooth. It’s job is to protect and shield the inside parts of the tooth so that they can do their job.

Enamel is one of the few things that, when eroded, does not grow back. This is because there are no living cells inside of the enamel, so there is no way to repair any sort of damage to the wall that is the barrier. As such, once the barrier has been broken, there is no natural way to cure enamel erosion.

Once enamel erosion has set in, the insides of the teeth will be exposed to all sorts of negative problems. Bacteria can easily flood in, causing decay and diseases to easily settle in. It can also leave the teeth exposed to quick shifts in temperature, which can be extremely painful.

What causes enamel erosion?

Enamel erosion can come from different sources. It can be caused by things such as simple genetics, but can also be influenced by poor habits that are done on a daily basis.

Just a few of the prevailing reasons that enamel erosion can be:

  • A high acid intake
  • Bulimia
  • Alcohol intake
  • Physical force
  • Cracking of the teeth

As one can guess, food intake can be a major source of erosion. But, what some may not know is that enamel erosion can also happen just due to daily activities that may knock around the teeth.

How to prevent enamel erosion

Although it may seem difficult, there are ways to help fight off the possibility of enamel erosion spreading, or becoming more problematic.

If there is no sign of enamel erosion, the best thing to do is to stop it before it starts. To do this, make sure that the diet that is being used for food intake is not high in acids. This usually means cutting out a lot of soda and other types of highly acidic drinks.

Aside from that, it is best to try not to grind the teeth together. If the teeth are ground together too often on their own, it can cause erosion from friction.

Later stage of enamel erosion

If the later stages of enamel erosion have already set in, it is usually best to consult with a dentist to actually get it fixed through fillings or another type of cleaning routine. Since the enamel is at the point where natural changes will not fix it, artificial enamel is best to help clear the problem up.

Request an appointment here: https://stunningsmilesoflakeforest.com or call Stunning Smiles of Lake Forest at (949) 258-7433 for an appointment in our Lake Forest office.

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